Device Monitoring

Get alerts when your devices go offline

Monitoring feature is now in beta stage. If you encounter any bugs or would like to provide feedback, please create a GitHub issue!

Device monitors are used to check whether your devices are online and notify you when they go down. It works by tracking whether devices keep checking-in with the Synpse cloud controller. Once device is unavailable for more than 2 minutes, an incident record is created.

To start monitoring your devices, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Creating Device Monitor

To create a new monitor head to the project's "Monitoring" page and click on "add new monitor" with selectors:

  • monitoring: true

And name "default monitor":

This monitor will look for devices that have this label applied.

Step 2: Label Your Devices

You can either label your devices before or after creating the device monitor. Every minute the monitor will fetch all devices that are matching these labels so the order here won't matter:

Once created, a monitor is active. If your devices are expected to go down, you can always pause the monitor.

Step 3: Setup a Notification

Tracking uptime and incidents is great, however it's also important to get notified when the problems happen in order to respond to them. Synpse supports several notification providers and many more will be added.

An example Discord notification configuration:


Incidents are created when one or more devices that your monitor is tracking goes down. You can view them in your device monitor details page:

Once your device comes back online, a new incident record indicating that it's "UP" will be created. This way you can easily track when the problems occur and when the problems are resolved.

Missing a Provider?

Ping us on Discord or create a GitHub issue 🙏

Last updated