
Synpse agent uninstall instructions

To check whether you have Synpse agent installed, run systemctl status synpse-agent. This command should return info about your running agent:

root@synpse-node:/# systemctl status synpse-agent
● synpse-agent.service - Synpse agent
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/synpse-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-12-17 00:18:25 GMT; 3 weeks 1 days ago
       Docs: https://synpse.net/docs/
   Main PID: 4002295 (synpse-agent)

If it's not there, nothing to do. Otherwise, follow the steps to remove it.

Removing synpse-agent systemd service

When you no longer wish to have Synpse agent installed on your device, here are the steps to remove it. First, get root permissions as agent is installed as root:

sudo -i

Disable and remove the system service:

systemctl stop synpse-agent
systemctl disable synpse-agent
systemctl daemon-reload

Removing state directories

To remove directories and files that the agent has created, run:

rm -rf /etc/synpse
rm -rf /var/lib/synpse
rm -rf /var/log/app_*
rm -rf /var/log/synpse*

Remove any containers created by Synpse

You might have provisioned some applications or jobs. You can check whether you are running any containers by:

docker ps

If you see any containers with names like:


You can remove them by running:

docker rm -f <container name>

Last updated

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